Special Educational Needs
The link below provides parents with additional resources for children with Special Educational Needs who may be unable to access the resources provided on their class pages. This website also includes extra support for our children to understand the change in their routine and to support with being at home for prolonged periods of time including: social stories, visual timelines, now and next boards.
Have a look on this website to learn a new Makaton sign each week and lots of different songs in Makaton.
SEND: apps and games
(Apps must be downloaded onto a compatible device)
Brain Parade
Website: http://www.brainparade.com/products/see-touch-learn-free/
Description: a visual instruction app, including flash cards and picture-choosing games, for children with autism and special needs.
Website: https://www.helpkidzlearn.com/
Description: a collection of games and resources designed for a range of educational needs and stages. It includes provision for school closure.
Sensory App House Ltd
Website: https://www.sensoryapphouse.com/
Description: a range of apps are available for pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) or Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD). All are interactive and many do not require significant coordination abilities.
Another good website to support SEND children with free printables and downloads:
Beacon Primary School is not responsible for content on external sites, including advertisements.