At Beacon Primary School we have worked hard to develop an English curriculum bespoke to our children. We have taken on a visual literacy approach which teams together high quality texts alongside their gripping film adaptation.
Alongside the books that the children study, they are introduced to modelled texts that are the expected standard for each year group and these are used as a basis for each unit of work. Focus SPaG lessons are planned to ensure that features of different text types are taught in depth so that they can then apply them to their independent writing. Once they have completed their independent writing, the children are then given the opportunity to edit and improve their writing, giving them first-hand experiences of being an editor!
All English lessons are differentiated to ensure all pupils access the learning at their specific level but still ensures that all children are given the same curriculum diet.
Spelling rules from the National Curriculum have been mapped out across the writing units to match (where possible) to allow the children the opportunity to apply the rule in their writing. Spelling is taught through a separate spelling lesson and the children are then given the opportunity to practise these spellings at the start of every English lesson. Alongside the spelling rules, children are taught the common exception words for their phase. A mix of the spelling rule spellings and common exception words are sent as homework for the children to practise at home.
All Spelling lessons are differentiated to ensure all pupils can spell words which are appropriate for their ability linked to the curriculum.
Handwriting is a real focus for us at Beacon. Children complete daily handwriting tasks to make sure that their letter formation is correct and that their work is presented neatly. We are currently following the 'Letter-Join' scheme of work which will help the children to develop a cursive handwriting style by the time they leave primary school.
At Beacon Primary School, like our writing, we have designed a bespoke curriculum which aims to build on the children’s knowledge of phonics by enhancing their reading and fluency and strengthening their comprehension skills. There is a clear reading journey which focuses around high quality texts which have been hand selected to engage the children. A VIPERS approach is followed to allow the children to study in detail the different content domains enhancing their comprehension skills.
At Beacon we promote reading in lots of different ways. Please use this link to see how we promote reading in school.
Early Years
In Early Years the children learn the subject English through the Subject Literacy where they develop their Reading and Writing skills. Children develop these skills by listening to and discussing stories, through daily RWI sessions, and reading and writing activities which are linked to the weekly/fortnightly topics. Children also develop their English skills through their play including role play, Poetry Basket and Helicopter stories.
Please use the link below to view the English Policy:
Special Educational Needs
Please see the document on how Beacon ensure all children, including those with SEND and additional needs provide a curriculum which is tailored to all children
How we support children with SEN
Please click on the document below to view the spellings that your child should know by the end of each year group
MTP's for Reading and Writing in Early Years
English overview Years 1-6
If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader.
We love reading!
Reading is at the heart of everything we do at Beacon and we believe in promoting a love of reading. To help you do this at home, please see below some recommended books to read at home.
Parental support
At Beacon alongside the workshops that we run for our parents to provide support for their children at home, we have made guides for teaching reading and SPaG.
Useful online games
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