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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future


14/1/21 - Insect Riddles - KS2 -


15/1/21 - Pet Riddles - EY & KS1 -


20/1/21 - Transport Riddles - EY & KS1 -


20/1/21 - Transport Riddles - KS2 -


26/1/21 - Character Riddles - EY & KS1 -


27/1/21 - Food Riddles (Science) - EY & KS1 -


28/1/21 - Traditional Tales Riddles - EY & KS1 -


29/1/21 - Types of Birds Riddles (Science)  - EY & KS1 -


29/1/21 - Birds from around the world (Science) - KS2 -


1/2/21 - Drinks Riddles - EY & KS1 -


1/2/21 - What is the drink? KS2 -


2/2/21 - Places to visit - EY & KS1 -


3/2/21 - Famous Places and Landmarks Riddles (Geography) - EY & KS1 -


3/2/21 - Famous Places Riddles (Geography) - KS2 -


4/2/21 - At the Beach Riddles - EY & KS1 -


4/2/21 - At the Beach Riddles - KS2 -


5/2/21 - Insect Riddles - EY & KS1 -


8/2/21 - Characters Riddles - KS2 -


9/2/21 - Name the flower Riddles - KS2 -


10/2/21 - Homes around the World (Geography) - EY & KS1 -


11/2/21 - Weather riddles (Science) - EY & KS1 -


12/2/21 - Guess the habitat (Science) - EY & KS1 -


22/2/21 - Natural Disasters (Geography) - KS2 -


23/2/21 - Wild Animals Riddles - KS2 -


24/2/21 - Food Riddles (Science) - KS2 -


25/2/21 - Food Ingredients (DT) - EY & KS1 -


25/2/21 - Food Ingredients (DT) - KS2 -


26/2/21 - Famous Landmarks Riddles - Questions - KS2 -


26/2/21 - Famous Landmarks Riddles - Answers - KS2 -


1/3/21 - People of the past (History) - EY & KS1 -


2/3/21 - Times Through History Quiz - KS2 -


2/3/21 - Can you guess the dinosaur Quiz (History) - EY & KS1 -


3/3/21 - Instrument Riddles - KS2 -


4/3/21 - Famous Paintings & Artists (ART) - KS2 -


5/3/21 - Materials Riddles (Science) - EY & KS1 -













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