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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future

How to support your child at home

Welcome to Year 4, this page includes a range of ways in which you can support your child's learning at home. 


  • Listen to them reading as many times as you can throughout the week. This will develop your child's reading skills and encourage a love of reading both in school, and at home. It is also really important to ask relevant questions to your child whilst reading for example, 'where did the event happen in the story?' 'how do you think the character felt when that happened?', this will also help develop your child's comprehension skills..
  • Sign your child's reading record and return it to school as soon as your child has read and understood a book, this will allow us to change your child's book quickly and your child can then move their rocket up on our 'Rocket into Reading' class display and get a sticker on their reading bookmark.  
  • Help your child learn their times tables, this includes x2, x3, x4, x5, x8 and x10's. This will help improve their knowledge ready for their times tables test later in the year. 
  • Support them with their homework and ensure it is completed and returned to school every Friday.
  • Practise spellings with them, in particular, spelling words from the Year 3 & 4 common exception list (provided below).


Useful maths & times table links


Useful spelling links + common exception words



Children Graphic