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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future


Year 1 Homework Expectations

Weekly the children will receive:

  • Home reader- a book to read and share with an adult. The adult is expected to record comments in the reading log and sign it, before a new book is sent home. Children are expected to change their home reader a minimum of once a week. 
  • RWI phonic sound sheet- according to what sound the child has learnt at school.
  • 5 Spellings- 10 Spellings- A spelling list will be provided each week and tested on the following week.
  • Times tables practise-2x, 5x & 10x
  • Maths or English Homework.

Helping your child at home



Homework is given weekly on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Wednesday at the very latest. In addition to homework, please ensure you read with your child as much as possible. Once you have read with your child, please write a comment in their home reading record book. Reading books and reading record books should be in school every day, as the children need them in their lessons. Each class has a challenge to see who can read the most times in a half term.



Children Graphic