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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future

How to support your child at home

In order to support your child's learning there are a number of things you could do:

  • Listen to them read regularly
  • Help them learn their times tables
  • Support them with homework as this consolidates what we having been learning and informs us whether they understand.
  • In your child's homework book you will find year 3/4 and 5/6 statutory spellings these are some of the words that will appear on the spelling test so it is a good idea to keep practising them.
  • You will also find a SPaG glossary which explains all the different types of SPaG covered this is useful for completing homework.
  • Reading comprehension homework supports them with their final assessments as they become more familiar with the style of question. If you find your child struggles on a particular type of question then please support them with that.


Here is a list of useful websites to support your child.  

Bitesize -

Whiterose maths -

Topmarks -

Times tables Rockstars -

Kahoot -


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