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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future


Click on the tabs below to find out information on all the individual subjects we teach at Beacon.

Our Curriculum


Is your child a scientist, a budding musician, an artist, a historian, a keen sports player, a writer or a mathematician?


At Beacon Primary School, we have designed our curriculum to reflect the importance of a broad and balanced education. We believe that pupils should have the opportunity to experience a wide-ranging curriculum where they are provided with a number of opportunities to progress. 


Our Curriculum prepares pupils at Beacon Primary School for the prospects, responsibilities and experiences of later life, through an engaging, progressive and well-constructed approach using topics.


At Beacon Primary School our topic based curriculum builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, as they progress through each Key Stage. All staff work within the statutory requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum, Local Walsall greed Syllabus for Religious Education and 2021 Early Years Foundation Stage; in order to provide the very best education for the children in their care.  


If parents, carers or other members of the public would like to find out more about the curriculum which our school follows, please feel free to speak to your child's class teacher or organise a meeting with a member of the senior leadership team through the school office. Further information on the aims and objectives can be found on the National Curriculum website. 



At Beacon Primary School, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of pupils is embedded throughout lessons and everyday aspects of school life. 


If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly. 

Making a difference- Inclusion for all


Beacon Primary comply with the duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and ensure the curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or SEN. 


We believe that every child can make progress and achieve and that it is our job to make sure that this happens. We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of our pupils.


We ensure that appropriate provision and challenge is in place for all pupils irrespective of their starting points to enable progress across the primary years.


Beacon primary is committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education to all our children. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and disability have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of school life.


The school aims to foster the personal development of each child by helping them to be responsible, by building their self-esteem, being sensitive to their needs and promoting values of fairness and forgiveness.

Beacon Primary is committed to inclusion. We strive to maintain a loving and caring school community where everyone feels welcome, secure and valued.  In June 2022 Beacon was awarded The Quality Inclusion Mark. 


We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background. Staff work closely with the SENDCo and Pastoral Lead to have a good understanding of the pupils in their class. 


We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners:


  • girls and boys, minority ethnic and faith groups, travellers, asylum seekers and refugees
  • learners who need support to learn English as an additional language (EAL)
  • learners with special educational needs
  • learners who are disabled
  • children who are significantly more able than their peers
  • Those who are looked after by the local authority
  • Others such as those who are sick, those who are young carers, those who are in families under stress
  • Any learners who are at risk of disaffection and exclusion


We recognise that pupils learn at different rates and that there are many factors affecting achievement, including ability, emotional state, age and maturity. We believe that many pupils, at some time in their school career, may experience difficulties which affect their learning, and we recognise that these may be long or short term. At Beacon Primary we aim to identify these needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning contexts which enable every child to achieve to his or her full potential.  



For more information  on how we support pupils with SEN and disabilities please see our Accessibility policy. Use the link below:

Accessibility policy



Our school aims to be an inclusive school, catering for diverse needs and working in partnership with parents/carers. We aim to involve parents/carers at every stage in plans to meet their child’s additional needs.

  • We aim to make equality of opportunity a reality for our pupils through access to a good quality, meaningful and appropriate creative curriculum.
  • We aim to plan for individual needs encouraging the strengths and interests of our pupils. Pupils will be targeted to support learning.
  • We aim to provide full access to the curriculum through quality first teaching and differentiated planning supported by the Inclusion Manager, class teachers, learning support assistants, and support staff as appropriate.
  • We aim to ensure that current Codes of Practice and guidance are implemented effectively across the school and to ensure equality of opportunity for, and to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.
  • We aim to continually monitor the progress of all pupils, to identify needs as they arise and to provide support as early as possible.
  • We aim to enable all children to move on from us well equipped in the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and social independence to meet the demands of secondary school life and learning.
  • We aim to involve the children themselves in planning and in any decision making that affects them.
  • We aim to support all our staff in meeting the needs of individual children through professional development, the sharing of good practice, the provision of resources and working with outside agencies.


Schools policies meet the Equality Act 2010 and Special Education Needs and Disability regulations 2014.

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