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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future

Partnership with Parents

Parent Partnership


As a staff team we believe we can more effectively meet your child’s needs if we work together. We value your input as your child’s primary carer, and as an expert on your child. We rely on your partnership, so together we can provide your child with the highest quality education and care. This will make their time at school happy and enjoyable.


We are very proud to hold the Leading Parents Partnership Award.


Here are some things we offer at Beacon: 


Home Learning

Each week a home learning project will be sent home, and we encourage you to do them with your child and return the completed sheet to school, as it forms part of your child's learning journey. These activities have been carefully designed by Mrs Wanglin alongside the Walsall LEA and are designed to support your child's learning and development.  We understand that when parents and actively involved in their child's learning they can have a significant impact on improving and supporting their needs.



1000 Stories Project

Every day you can borrow a book to read to your child at bedtime. Having conversations around stories daily is important to your child’s language development. We encourage you to read to your child as much as possible to develop their language and imagination.



Word of the week

Each week there will be a new 'word of the week' added onto your child's class page to extend their vocabulary. We encourage you to read this word to your child and encourage them to say the word and where possible use it in a sentence.



Parent workshops / Play and Stay sessions

Each half term we offer Parent Inspire workshops with a specific focus to support learning. When these sessions begin, parents spend 5-10 mins with the Early Years Leader who will explain what they can do to support their child at home followed by 45 minutes to 1 hour with their child to complete some planned activities. Parents are given a pack to take home with ideas and vocabulary to support their child’s learning. 


Parents Evening

Each term you can make an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss your child’s learning and progress. During this meeting the teacher will talk about what your child can do and how you can support them at home with their learning.



We offer individualised support on any aspects which may be behind age related expectations.

We provide them with a meeting and a leaflet to support them.

  • Bedtime routines
  • Getting rid of the push chair
  • Getting rid of the dummy
  • Getting rid of the bottle
  • Healthy eating
  • Toileting
  • Oral Health

If you need any support please speak to your child's key person or class teacher. 



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