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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future

Design Technology


Design Technology (DT) is a foundation subject of the National Curriculum and at Beacon our DT curriculum is linked to this framework, which provides a holistic and cross-curricular approach to learning. Our DT curriculum prepares the children with key life skills which they will need throughout their life into adult hood, enabling individual development. It requires the children to develop an inquisitive mind and to challenge and question the way they look at the world around them. Children become problem solvers through practical tasks, using creativity and imagination. They will develop enquiring, inquisitive and creative minds and develop links to industry, commerce and business and through this serves to develop teamwork, leadership and resilience when working with others.


At Beacon the DT curriculum is organised as part of an integrated approach to learning and is taught through topics each with a Design and Technology task, where the emphasis of teaching is on first-hand experience where teachers encourage children to take control of their own learning.


In Early Years, Design Technology is taught through the subject Expressive Arts and Design. The children access DT through their play and through adult led activities for a range of topics across the year, as well as in weekly circle time discussions. 


The fundamental skills, knowledge and concept are explored throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Children study;

  • Design – design purposeful, functional and appealing products.
  • Make – select and use a range of tools and equipment.
  • Evaluate – Explore and evaluate products and ideas.
  • Technical knowledge – build structures, explore different ideas, use mechanical and electrical systems.
  • Cooking and Nutrition – Understand basic principles of a healthy diet and nutrition, acquire basic cooking skills and techniques.


Mrs E Friar

Design Technology Leader

Please use the link below to view the Design Technology Policy:

Special Educational Needs

Please see the document on how Beacon ensure all children, including those with SEND and additional needs provide a curriculum which is tailored to all children.


How we support children with SEN

How we challenge more able pupils

For more information on what your child learns in the weekly/fortnightly Design Technology (DT) sessions and Topics, please see the MTP below...

If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader. 

Websites to develop your Design Technology skills

KS1 Bitesize - 

KS1 Top Marks - 


KS2 Bitesize -

KS2 - Top Marks-


All Year Groups - -Idea Library of models to be made - Lots of Food Technology information - Some interesting information​ - Lego Building


Beacon Primary School is not responsible for content on external sites, including advertisements. 

Key Information Graphic