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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future




If you are worried and need someone to talk outside of school or family, the NSPCC have trained people available to talk to you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can phone their help line or go online which ever you feel more comfortable with.

 Contact them on 0800 111 or



Stranger Danger – Keeping children safe 


 It is important we all talk to our children about keeping safe when out and about in the community, whether it be walking to school, playing out with friends, going shopping or when on holiday. 


We are asking that you remind your children of the following personal safety advice from West Midlands Police. 

- Never go off on your own with a stranger, take things from them or get in a car with them.
- Make sure you tell your parents where you are.
- If someone scares you, or makes you feel uncomfortable go somewhere safe, which could be your home, your school or a police station.
- Remember to tell someone what has happened straight away.
- Always dial 999 in an emergency. 


Some great tips and advice can be found here: 

Children Graphic