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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future

Early Years



Core Values in Early Years

Through our carefully planned curriculum we want our children to be able to:





      Use their manners and say please and thank you,

Be happy and confident

Be independent, resilient and reflective

       Co-operate with others and understand yes and no

Be a good friend

Make decisions and be responsible for their choices and actions.

          Try new activities and have a go

Share and take turns

Be inclusive and respectful to others 

          Feel safe and have secure           attachments with their key person

Follow rules and routines

Compromise and negotiate with others

Be curious

Understand right from wrong

Work in a team


Talk about their emotions

Be organised and take care of their belongings.


Be proud of their achievements

Be resourceful and creative


Be courageous and take risks

Feel empowered to meet their own needs and those of others


Speak confidently with unfamiliar adults

Feel valued and know their voice is heard


Support and help others

Be considerate to others ideas



We offer  a 40 place Pre-School – 20 children in the morning session and 20 children in the afternoon session.

We offer 15 hours 2 year old 'Time to start' places funded through Walsall FIS and places for 'working parents' funded through UK government.


To check eligibility for 'Time to start places' use the link below:


To check eligibility for 'working parents' use the link below:

You need to re-apply every 3 months to be given a new code to be eligible for the free 15 hours.


  • The morning session starts at 8.40 am until 11.40am.
  • The afternoon session starts from 12.25pm until 3.25pm.


In our Pre-School there are 4 full time early years qualified teaching assistants.


However, we also offer sessions that parents/carers can pay for at a cost of £20 per session which includes staffing for the 3 hour session and lunch time session. 


We have a 65 place Nursery at Beacon and  children can start the term after their  3rd birthday.

We offer our children 15 hours of provision which is broken down into 5x3hr sessions (morning or afternoon).


  • The morning session starts at 8.40am until 11.40am.
  • The afternoon session starts from 12.25pm until 3.25pm.


In our Nursery there are 4 full time adults – our Nursery teacher and three early years qualified teaching assistants.



Please click on the following icon if you would like more information about:


  • Wrap around 

We have a 60 place Reception split into 2 classes of 30. In Reception there are three teachers and two early years qualified teaching assistants.


The Reception day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.10pm.


Our Learning Environment

In Early Years, our children follow an active curriculum both indoors and outdoors. Our indoor classrooms are bright, stimulating and caring to meet the needs of our youngest children. We are developing our ‘outdoor classrooms’ to ensure the children have access throughout the day – no matter what the weather!


The Early Years Curriculum

Children in the Foundation Stage follow the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ curriculum which covers all 7 areas of a child’s development.


There are 3 Prime Areas of Learning:-

Personal, Social and Emotional development

Communication and Language

Physical development


There are 4 Specific Areas of Learning:-



Expressive Arts and Design

Understanding of the World


We observe our children to understand and consider their interests, development and learning- planning for and facilitating the 3 ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’.

Playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’;

Active Learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements; and

Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


For more information on the curriculum and what we offer click on the links below:




Please use the link below to view:


Early Years Policy

Early Years Transition Policy

Phonics Policy

Please see attached links: Useful documents for Parents

Key Information Graphic