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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future


At Beacon Primary School we make music an enjoyable learning experience. Across the school, the children have the chance to learn a range of instruments in their music lessons as well as partake in whole-school singing assemblies, class assemblies, end of year performances and choir. There are many opportunities to perform music to their friends, classmates and teachers in school, as well as at other schools during events across the local area. We provide children with a range of musical experiences in order to build up their confidence, self-esteem and teamwork skills as well as promoting a love of listening, performing and composing music in a range of styles and genres from throughout history.


Music Scheme of Work Planning

At Beacon, we have a bespoke music curriculum allowing children to improve and build their musical skills as their journey through school progresses. Each half term, the children learn about a different inter-related dimension of music which is taught through listening to a wide range of music from different historical periods as well as composing and performing using a different instrument each year.  


Our music planning is geared to three aspects of progress:

* Increasing breadth and range of musical experiences;

* Increasing challenge and difficulty in musical activities; and

* Increasing confidence, sensitivity and creativity in the children’s music making.


Early Years  

We teach music in all EYFS settings as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. The musical aspects of the children’s work is progressive, with the aim to be achieving the Early Learning Goal by the end of Reception.  From Pre-School through to Reception, the children have an hour music slot with the Music leader each week following the objectives set out by Development Matters, to ensure the foundations of music are solid and ready to be build upon as the children move through school. Music contributes to a child’s personal and social development. The children spend time listening to music from different genres and cultures, singing songs linked to areas of the curriculum, special days and festivals, as well as fostering their creativity by composing their own music to perform. The children in Nursery and Reception also have to opportunity to join in with whole school singing and performances.


Cross-Curricular Links

Music in Beacon Primary School, as well as making its own distinctive contribution to the school curriculum, also helps to develop skills in other areas, especially in the development of Literacy (language skills, rhythm, rhyme, research, creative writing, communicating ideas), Maths (patterns, sequences and processes), dance, art, ICT (composing, notation, research, use of I-Pads and recording for assessment), and PSHE (reflecting, listening, creating, performing).


Extra-curricular opportunities

Each class in KS1 and KS2 learns a different instrument as they progress through school. This allows the children to learn new skills and techniques, as well as build upon their knowledge of music theory and composing.


We also provide an after school key stage two choir for children to take part in and showcase their talents in performances in and out of school. 


Throughout the year, children in KS1 and KS2 have the chance to perform in the local area at Young Voices, Walsall Manor Hospital and Forest Arts Singing Festivals as well as assemblies, Beacon's Got Talent, Dance Festivals and end of year performances in school. 



Mr A Smith

Music Leader

Please use the link below to view the Music Policy:

Special Educational Needs

Please see the document on how Beacon ensure all children, including those with SEND and additional needs provide a curriculum which is tailored to all children.

How to support children with SEN

How we challenge more able pupils

For more information on what your child learns in the weekly Music lessons, please see the MTP below...

If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader. 

Here are some websites and games to develop your child's musical skills in Key Stage 1:

Composing and Rhythm: BBC Bring the Noise


Note names, rhythms and the orchestra: Classics for kids


Here are some websites and games to develop your child's musical skills in Key Stage 2:


Note names, rhythms and the orchestra: Classics for kids


Composition : Chromelab


Beacon Primary School is not responsible for content on external sites, including advertisements.

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