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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future

General Information

General Information


School times

There are 2 sessions:

Morning session- 8.30am until 11.30am

Afternoon session- 12.30pm until 3.30pm



Please note from Monday 25th November 2024 the times are changing to:

Preschool (2 year olds)  8.40am-11.40am (3 hour session) or 12.25pm-3.25pm (3 hour session)



If your child is absent please ring the school office to notify them they wont be attending the session and the reason why. The school telephone number is 01922 710874.



Your child is entitled to free milk until the age of 5. Your child will receive milk every day. To receive milk at school you need to register with the 'Cool milk' scheme either by post or online at If your child does not like milk or is allergic to milk please let one of the preschool members of staff know so we can provide a drink of water. 


Snack Time

Snack time in Pre-school is an opportunity to talk about different fruits and what they look and taste like. It is also a chance to discuss whether they like or dislike the fruits they taste. We want the children to eat a variety of fruits, and they may even get the chance to try a fruit they have never heard of or seen before.

There are 3 options:

1. You could pay 50p a week for us to buy the daily fruit

2. You could provide your child with a daily fruit snack in a labelled box or container

3. You could contribute to our fruit basket by adding in some fruit each day or week, which we will then cut up and share with the children.


Comfort items

We understand at this young age, children often have a comfort item such as a blanket, bottle or dummy. We would always aim to make your child's experience at preschool an enjoyable and stress free one and would support parents in sending in comfort items. If any comfort items are sent into preschool please place them in your child bag and if they need it during the session we would give it to your children when needed. 


Going to the toilet

Around 2- 3 years of age is when children are becoming physically and emotionally ready to toilet train. Please keep your child's key person informed of your child's toileting progress and we will aim to support them within the setting. In case of an accident, parents are asked to provide a spare pair of pants and trousers, which can be kept in a bag on your child's peg. 


Clothing and weather

Pre-school is about active learning and this involves a range of activities both indoors and outdoors. Please ensure your child wears suitable clothes for the various types of play they will be enjoying during the sessions.

We value outdoor play experiences and therefore use our outdoor area in all weathers. During Winter please provide a hat, scarf and gloves for your child to wear when they go outside.In summer please provide a sun hat. We ask parents to take responsibility for applying sun cream to all exposed areas of children's skin before they attend the preschool session. 



Children Graphic