Online Safety
Information For Parents
Technology and the internet can be fantastic – they can help our children to learn, to create amazing things, to communicate and to entertain themselves and each other. Our children are surrounded by this technology. It is part and parcel of their daily lives.
Using technology and the internet well is about using it safely and responsibly. Things can go wrong by accident or if behaviour isn’t sensible or respectful. Our job at Beacon Primary School is not to stop our young people from using technology, but to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to successfully navigate themselves through the online world, so they become good digital citizens.
We also believe it is our responsibility to help adults understand what they can do to help support young people in their use the internet, be aware of the functionality available to them and routes available to share any concerns or issues they may have.
With technology also constantly evolving and new threats arising, we will use this page to share information about new concerns and what to keep an eye out for.
Please see a selection of documents and links designed to support you in helping your children stay as safe as they can be when using technology, including the internet.
How can you help keep your child safe on the internet?
- Manage their screen time by setting a time limit.
- Approve Apps- make sure that you have checked that the App is appropriate for your child.
- Make sure you have updated your Parental Controls.
- Know about the Apps your child may be using and check privacy settings: check out this link that gives you information on a range of popular Apps: Know your App
- Create an Avatar rather than using real photos.
- Check out this useful Digital Parenting guide: Digital Parenting Guide
- Make sure you report any issues by using the CEOP Button/ CEOP Centre if you are concerned about someone’s online behaviour towards you.
How To Report Any Issues
Should you have any issues or concerns about your child's use of the internet, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or a member of the Beacon Senior Leadership Team.
Also, please see below several trusted sites where you can report any concerns you may have about what your child experiences on the internet.
Guides to Apps and Social Media
The number of apps and social media channels your child could be exposed to grow all the time, as does an app's functionality. Here are some guides to give information about what your child is watching and using, advice how you can limit their features and the recommended age restrictions.