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Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future



At Beacon Primary School, we use a wide selection of resources to support our teaching of the National Curriculum. We use Teach Computing which comprises a range of software which addresses all the key aspects of the curriculum and immediately engages the children’s interest. Many of the resources used are freely-available websites or apps, meaning they can be used at home as well as in school. Teach Computing delivers clear progression from Year 1 to Year 6 as well as embedding online safety to ensure the safe use of technology through the school. Elements of these lessons also allow for the delivery of ICT across other subjects.


Alongside this, we also deliver lessons using Barefoot Computing and Project Evolve.


Through the delivery of Computing we cover:


Computer Science: where children learn the main concepts: logic, evaluation, algorithms, patterns, decomposition and abstraction.


Information Technology: where children use Chrome books to create content such as: movies, word processed documents, presentations, spreadsheets, pictograms, story books, databases and animations.  


Digital Literacy: where our children learn to stay safe whilst using technology for example what makes a strong password and how to be respectful online.


In Nursery, the children learn Computing through the subject Understanding the World: Technology. 



Miss J Johndrow

Computing leader



Please use the link below to view the Computing Policy:

Special Educational Needs

Please see the document on how Beacon ensure all children, including those with SEND and additional needs provide a curriculum which is tailored to all children.

How we support children with SEN

How we challenge more able pupils

For more information on what your child learns in the weekly Computing sessions and Topics, please see the MTP below...

If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader. 

Useful websites:



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