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Beacon Primary School home page

Beacon Primary School

Lighting the way to a brighter future


Welcome to Beacon Primary School website.

I am delighted that you are browsing through our website to get a glimpse of our magical school.

There is something very special about Beacon and we are incredibly proud of our unique building, fabulous children, supportive parents, inspirational staff and forward thinking governors. We all work together to make Beacon a safe, happy and fun place to learn.


At Beacon we have learning and high standards at the heart of all we do.

We encourage all our children to achieve the best they can across every area of school, from the  rich and broad curriculum to the wide range of extra-curricular activities.


Our aim is for our children to be confident, caring, resilient inquisitive young adults with a desire to learn and achieve the best in all they can do.


Our children are wonderful ambassadors, so if you want to know even more about our school family, then please contact the school  and I or one of our wonderful members of staff would be delighted to show you around and introduce you to everyone who makes Beacon such a magical and unique place. 



Yours sincerely 



Mr P Drew 

Executive Head Teacher

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